
Thursday 17 October 2013

PART 8: Sad Sam and Sly Strange - A Serial by Grant Harbison and Manuela Cardiga

Here did Sly for the first time utter: “My love, my Wild child, Severina; I do perceive in this Lady something mild and kind. I warrant we can trust…though to be true that ability does rust unused in my heart for many a year. Yet now, I feel no fear. I will abide by this Lady’s lead. Me thinks it meet to do so. I ask you Princess dear, set aside your fear.”

“Fear?” Severina cried, then drowned her mocking laughter ere it issued from her mouth, for here the Troll’s daughter suddenly perceived the tender heart that in her lover yet lived. Should she spout her vicious prattle, his heart might shatter, and leave her behind. Oh evil day…Severina -wild and savage- should she wish to keep and not ravage the love that in for her in Sly did abide, would have to become mild and gentle as a child.

And so they did travel for two days and two nights, until the darkness gave way to an uncanny twilight. Sam tried to fathom this peculiar mosaic, staring back at the receding darkness, his head began to shake.

The Lady of Light smiled at his confusion and said, “Concern yourself not, young Sam. This be no illusion, and fear ye not any intrusion from vile things that prey, for those who embrace evil, have diminished power in the grey.”

The mysterious glint caused Severina to squint. Having spent so long in the dark, the glare was too stark. She closed both her eyes, and to everyone’s surprise, let out a succession of pitiful cries.

The Lady of Light shook her head and said, “Severina be hushed, your eyes will adjust. Your fake little cries do not fool I; for if you genuinely wept, your eyes would not be dry. Oh what a pathetic sight. How would you have been, if we’d entered the white?”

Severina was silenced, but her thoughts were of violence; wishing to tear at her throat, when she saw the Lady gloat.

The Lady read her thoughts, and although slightly distraught and a little dismayed, she gave Severina a look of tenderness, and for her silently prayed.

Barbon began to jiggle and then began to whine, “Dear Lady of Light, who is ever so kind. Please forgive me for asking this, but my hunger is fierce. When do we dine?”

The Lady stared at the picote with love and compassion. “Oh, my dear fellow, there be plenty of rations in my lovely cabin in the neck of the woods. We will go there immediately and cook us some food.”

When they arrived at the Lady’s retreat, she started a fire to cook the meat. She sent Severina and Barbon into the garden for herbs and vegetables and anything that was edible.

As soon as they entered the beautiful garden, Severina chased Barbon and he gave a hundred pardons. When she saw the wonderful seed, she knew it would fulfill her need. Her wicked notion, would only require a little of her potion.

And so did Severina return to the house and entered the kitchen. The ambiance was joyous, but the picote was twitching.

With a cordial smile and her hatred well masked, Severina asked, “Lady of Light, do you think that I might prepare these delights?”

“Oh, wild child, that be my task. But you can fetch the goblets and pour us each a drink from the cask.”

Severina did what was asked and when she filled the goblets with mead, she added the seeds, then from her pocket she took out a sweet smelling lotion and squeezed a few drops into each goblet to complete her potion.

“Oh, what utter deviance,” she said to herself. “With what I’ve concocted, I will have utter obedience. In exactly one hour, my wicked scheme will flower.”

When the hour came, everyone danced to her tune; including the picote, even though he was immune.

Severina laughed at Esprelotta’s vacant stare, and said, “Oh daughter of Slaughter, this feeling of power, nothing can compare. Now do as I say without delay. Start making tracks. To the dark you go back. When you get there, seek ye the Market of Despair. Surrender your liberty, be strong and be brave, for you will be a slave from henceforth till your grave.”

by Grant Harbison and Manuela Cardiga

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